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Difference Between Java Framework, Text Editor And IDE

Java programming is a combination of Java Framework, Text Editor and IDE. A developer needs to use all of these to write a successful code. Therefore, a Java Framework, Text Editor and IDE helps in forming a successful code in Java. Hence, it is very important to have a basic understanding of the three.

Java Framework

A Java framework is a collection of code that is commonly used, has generic functionality and can be selectively overridden or specialized by user code providing specific functionality. Software libraries have a special case that are called frameworks, they are reusable collections of code.

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The abstracted code is wrapped in a well-defined Application Programming Interface (API) and has features that distinguish them from normal libraries.

The distinguishing characteristics of Java frameworks that distinguish them from libraries or normal user applications are given as follows:

  1. default behavior – Every Java framework has a unique default behavior. This default behavior needs to be beneficial to the Java programming language, instead of being a series of no-ops.
  2. non-modifiable framework code – The various codes of various Java frameworks cannot be modified. Although the framework is allowed to be extended, but not modification of code is not allowed.
  3. inversion of control – In contrast to libraries or normal user applications, the framework dictates the overall flow of control of a program not he caller as is done in the normal applications or libraries.
  4. extensibility – As mentioned earlier a framework can be extended by the user. It is possible for the user to extend the framework by overriding selectively or specialized by user code providing specific functionality.

Text Editor

A text editor in Java helps in editing the text.A user can enter, change, store, and usually print text (combination of numbers and characters, which are encoded by input and output devices of a computer, arranged in a meaningful manner for users or to other programs) with the help of a text editor which is basically a computer program.

Typically, a text editor provides the developer display screen which is “empty” which hasa fixed-line length and has line numbers which are visible to the Java developer. You can do various activities in the text editor. When you start writing in a text editor, the lines are filled in a sequence.

The text editor in Java provides you with a special command line that allows you in moving to a new page, scrolling forward or backward, making global changes in the document, saving the document, and performing other actions. The document can be printed or displayed after you are done with saving the document.

If formatting is required for any particular output device or class of output devices, it can be done before printing or displaying the document. Text editors has another function i.e. a text editor in Java helps in entering Java program language source statements and allows in creating documents like technical manuals.

The most popularly used text editor in IBM’s computers is known as XEDIT.  The two most commonly used text editors in UNIX systems are vi and Emacs. The best examples of text editors in personal computers are the word processors. Java too has text editors which are used most commonly. The Java text editors are jEdit, TextPad, Edit Plus, R text, etc.

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

An integrated development environment (IDE) is an application itself that provides development of an application or a software. IDE is developed for the purpose of enclosing all programming tasks together in a single application. Therefore, all the tools needed by a developer for software development is offered by an IDE acting as a central interface featuring all the tools. A few of them are mentioned below.

  • Code editor: This feature is designed as a text editor in an IDEthat allows the developer to write and edit source code. Source code editors in IDE are different from text editors because it simplifies and enhances the writing and editing of only the source code.
  • Compiler: The basic function of a compiler in IDE is to convert the human readable source code into a form that is computer executable.
  • Debugger: The main function of a debugger in IDE comes when a code needs to be tested. The debugger helps in debugging application programs.
  • Build automation tools: These common developer tasks are automated with the help of build automation tools in IDE.

The above given are the tools that comes integrated with all the IDE’s but a few IDEs might also include the following tools:

  • Class browser: This tool comes into action when an object-oriented programming is being done. The basic function of a class browser in an IDE is examining and referencing the properties of an object-oriented class hierarchy.
  • Object browser: This feature helps examining the objects that are instantiated in an application program that is presently being run.
  • Class hierarchy diagram: the object-oriented programming has a class hierarchy. Therefore, this is where this tool is utilized. The class hierarchy helps the developer in visualizing the structure of object-oriented programming code.

The IDE can be a single stand-alone application. It is also possible to include an IDE as a part of one or more compatible applications.

The Java framework, text editor and an IDE are very important components of Java programming. Therefore, one needs to have a basic understanding of the three. Hence, the basic understanding or the difference between Java framework, Text Editor and IDE is discussed in the article.
