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A Comparison Between PHP And Java

A comparison between PHP and Java is needed because many have doubts in which language to use for software development. PHP and Java being one of the most popular programming languages for web development, a comparison is definitely required between the two.

PHP has become the most prevalent server side scripts on the web. PHP is a general purpose scripting language at the server side while Java is general-purpose and compiled programming language. While designing Java, developers had only one thing in mind i.e. they wanted to design a language using which one can write the code once and run the code anywhere. Both the languages create powerful dynamic web applications and sites using their own set of strengths and nuances.

It is vital for you to choose the correct language for your project before starting the project because after you have started off, it is an arduous task to transition from the language you have chosen until you perform a major overhaul down the line. Therefore, if you choose the language that is right for your project initially you will be able to build a successful site that is scalable and fulfills your requirement from the website.

In order to help you choose the most suitable language for your project, some of the basics of the PHP and Java have been discussed in the article.

What Is PHP?

PHP is one of the most popular server-side scripting languages on the web. PHP is considered as the most versatile language that is gaining popularity now. PHP is finding its prominent utility in the field of web development. It is a developing scripting language and is a robust tool for developing dynamic and interactive web pages. The PHP programming language was designed for retrieving and updating information from the database.The basic function of PHP is to develop applications that are executed on the server side and to generate dynamic web pages.

What Is Java?

When initially released in 1991 by Sun Microsystems, Java was used for programming consumer electronics such as VCR’s. Java was basically designed to build standalone applications as a general purpose programming language.Java was originally developed as a platform independent language.

Java was designed to gain flexibility and making it possible for the developers to run it on any machine; regardless of platform or architecture. Java is a high-level language.

When a Java code is compiled it converts into intermediate binary language for the particular operating system on which your software is running, that is why Java is said to be a compiled language.

The intermediate binary code is the bytecode that can on implementations of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Any system can run Java if it has Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed on it.

Java is also primarily a sever side language for web development and most widely chosen for the mobile app development on Android platforms.

Similarities Between PHP And Java

The major similarities between PHP and Java are discussed below:

  1. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).

Both PHP and Java have some features of Object Oriented Programming (OOP). They do have a few similar features of Object Oriented Programming that are encapsulationpolymorphism and inheritance. The primary advantage of using Object Oriented languages is that your program contains separate modules for each functionthat can be used separately for other programs too.

2. Back-End Development.

Both PHP and Java are executed on the server-side. Both are also used for the back end technologies.

3. Syntax.

The syntax of PHP and Java has many similarities such as classes, declaring and initializing of variables, looping structures and conditional operators are very similar in both languages.

4. Entry points.

Entry points in both PHP and Java are also similar i.e. when your program starts to execute the compiler or interpreter searches for the point where it needs to start the execution from.

Differences Between PHP And Java

Although PHP and Java have many similarities they do have some major differences which are discussed below:

  1. Interpreted and Compiled.

PHP is an interpreted programming language while Java is a compiled programming language.PHP is considered to be an interpreted language, or “script”—the one in which instructions are executed directly without initially compiling the code into machine language instructions. Therefore, in

Therefore, in scripts, the code can run as it is, in their respective runtime environments (i.e. the server). There is always a debate on which language to use, compiled or interpreted, it is believed that scripts offer good programmer productivity and are easy to use.

Regardless of the origin i.e. where is was initially written, a java code can run anywhere i.e. on any operating system, this is possible because it is a compiled programming language.Java works on different implementations. It is first compiled into the bytecode and then runs on the Java Virtual Machine.

2. Memory safe.

Java is designed in a manner that makes it a memory-safe language. This means thatthe developer receives an error if he is tries assigning values to variables outside of the given array parameters.

3. Dynamic and Static Type Checking.

PHP uses Dynamic Type Checking while Java uses Static Type Checking. In Dynamic Type Checking that is used by PHP, the type information is required at the run time.

Dynamic Type Checking offers better programmer productivity i.e. the programmer can assign the types according to his comfort, hence, the major advantage of using Dynamic Type Checking. While in the Static Type Checking which is used by Java, the type of a variable is checked at compile-time. The developer needs to specify the type (i.e. integer, double, string, etc.) of any variable they create. The major benefit of using Static Type Checking is that type errors are caught by the compiler earlier during the process of development because the compiler knows exactly the types of data that are being used in the program and the execution of the code is faster and uses

The major benefit of using Static Type Checking is that type errors are caught by the compiler earlier during the process of development because the compiler knows exactly the types of data that are being used in the program and the execution of the code is faster and uses

The major benefit of using Static Type Checking is that type errors are caught by the compiler earlier during the process of development because the compiler knows exactly the types of data that are being used in the program and the execution of the code is faster and uses less memory.

  1. Concurrency.

The programming language being used should have the capability of handling the execution of multiple instruction sequences at the same time. PHP just as majority of server side languages, uses multi-threaded, it blocks I/O for performing multiple tasks in parallel. While Java uses multiple threads to carry out tasks in parallel. In majority of the cases both the methods works fine, but thread to thread sharing is much faster when compared to inter process communication, thus making Java to be faster when compared to PHP.

While Java uses multiple threads to carry out tasks in parallel. In majority of the cases both the methods works fine, but thread to thread sharing is much faster when compared to inter process communication, thus making Java to be faster when compared to PHP.

2. Prototype Based and Class Based.

PHP is Prototype Based while Java is Class Based. PHP uses Prototype based programming in which the existing objects are reused using the process of cloning that serve as prototypes. While Java follows Class Based Inheritance in which the properties are defined inside a class which is later inherited by the instance of that particular class. It is a typical top down, hierarchical, class-based relationship.

Both Java and PHP have proved to be excellent foundations for a wide variety of software projects. Your choice of the language would depend on the requirements of your software project. Therefore, a much needed comparison between PHP and Java.
