On page is the activity performed by you over website like coding techniques, Tags, Description and other parameter followed to enhance quality of your website whereas Off page SEO is the techniques to increase your website ranking which is done over web and other platform not on your website. Off page website includes link building and social sharing and many other techniques, learn briefly about On Page and Off page seo techniques.
Difficulty level of SEO depends on your expertise if you are good in coding you will always find on page SEO easier than Off page SEO as you will have strong website structure knowledge where as if you have ultimate writing skill and able to write unique and quality content which can attract user you will find Off page SEO easier task.
Most Common And Important On Page SEO
Content is the king of SEO – This is the most basic and important parameter of SEO your page rand and audience is targeted as per the quality and type of content you fill in your website. Always write unique content, never copy content from any other sources as everyone write their content as per their target and audience as well search engines also don’t like copy content and will never give you boost in search engine rank.Join Our SEO training Institute to learn the search optimization skills with deep understanding.
Title Must contain important keyword – Title plays a major role in SEO. Title length and characters are important factor you need to target your audience and rank in search engine ranking. Search engine gives major priority in search result with targeted keyword url.
Use heading in your webpage – Always try to use heading in your article. You can use H1, H2………, H5, H6 heading tags in your webpage. H1 is the most important and H6 is the least. Search engine gives more important to keywords used in heading and thus always try to write arranged article which includes headings and target important keywords in heading. One webpage should contain only one H1 tag where as multiple H2 and other heading tags can be used in article.
Maintain Keyword Density and Proximity in article – Distance between keywords could be same or little different but keywords should never be repeated multiple times or so closely in article. This is called keyword proximity. Always try to maintain keyword proximity in article. And it is necessary for your keyword available in your first paragraph of your content.
Keyword should maintain a healthy ration in article but never be over used. Repeating keywords multiple times and filling article with keyword is not a perfect SEO and this may harm your search engine rank as well. Always try to maintain a density of 2-3% in your article not more than this and always try to target only up to 4-5 keywords in single article.
Always optimize images used in WebPages – Search engines can’t read images so its always must to optimize images you use in your website. Always use alternate text for your images and target important keywords in it. So that search engine can relate your image with your topics and up rank in search result.
Code to Content Ratio – Ratio of Content to code also plays an important role on your On page SEO. Search Engine counts your website by the content used in it. Always try to keep your Content ration higher than 75% in your website as per search engine guideline for better on page optimization.
Link name – Your Url name should content combination of important and basic keyword. Your keyword should come in url. Breadcrumb structure should be followed in website to improve your visibility.