Every technology or trend requires some basic skills to learn & the same goes for Digital Marketing. Digital marketing is the highly skilled profession as it requires many things but those skills are not that tough to learn, companies give a handsome money to the digital marketer just for that skills. Digital marketing is not that tough to learn but to start with you need to have some prior skills like:
Computer knowledge –“Computer”,yes you heard the right word. Computers are the resources from which all of our work is done whether it is private jobs or government sector jobs, everything is done on the computers. One should have knowledge of computer and its components because it is the only device which one will use to do digital marketing so it is important to know how to operate with the computer and its functions. Knowledge of computer is very essential because it is the very first step and if you got fail here you won’t be able to go further.
Computer knowledge is the most basic thing which is needed when you are going to learn digital marketing. And everyone knows the basics of computer very well.
Internet – After computer, one should have knowledge of the internet also because it is the platform where you will be doing the digital marketing activities and knowledge of the internet is one of the prior things. If you don’t understand your platform then how you will be able to make strategies on the internet. It is important to know the different social media platform and things on the internet. Internet knowledge is easy to found and learn. Actually you do not need to learn a lot, the fifty percent of the basics are cleared by itself if someone is using internet from long time.
English – English is also the main requirement for digital marketing profile as all of the creative on social media is been made in English and digital marketer has to make it so good English is a must. Also, in SEO content is required which also calls for the good English. Everything on internet is available in English so if you are not familiar with language then you have to be. If you are working or going to work in the corporate sector then you need to learn English language. But in starting, basics will do the work for you and slowly slowly you can improve yourself.
Marketing Mind – last but not the least market mind is also required because it is all about the marketing as marketing is done but on the different platform, you need to be creative for and if you are not then you have to be creative for that.

These are those pre required things which is required for start digital marketing without these things you cannot start digital marketing. Now if you know these aspect then you can further go the digital marketing course where you will learn different skills like –
Search Engine Optimization – SEO is the one of the primary skill which everyone ask if you are in digital marketing. It can be explained as when you make changes in your web page and try to rank on the first page of search engine that is SEO. Here page is optimized with the requirements of search engine like what are those things which it prefer more and which they don’t like for example if you write copied content in the web page then your ranking will be decreased by the search engine and if you write original content then your ranking will be up. So it is the game of getting the higher position in search engine.
Social media marketing – social media nowadays plays a major role in digital marketing and everyone’s life. The reason behind is the craze of social media in everyone is the connectivity among different people on the platforms which have great user experience.
Almost every single person opens his/her social media account once in a day to read, like or post something. Most of the business units are getting their business from social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Social media plays an important role in establishing the brand as it is the best platform to get feedback and directly connect with the customers.
Major corporate giant companies only target social media platforms as their main source to attract the attention of their potential buyers. Everything is available on social media, images, texts, videos, celebrities, politicians, companies. So, you have to find the proper audience who can be interested in your products and services.
Email Marketing – Previously email was not considered to be a powerful tool for the purpose of marketing but now it has proved to be the most valuable source to target your potential customers at the most basic level.
You can use the other marketing platforms to target or promote your products, services but all the professionals like to have conversations or to read about different products through personal emails.
It builds more trust & confidence in your customers.
Search Engine Marketing – SEM is the way or technique where you will learn to show ads on search engine it is done by a tool called Google Adwords, it enables you to create ads campaigns and help you to distribute all over the web. Since generating content and continuously promoting it on the internet with different SEO activities can take years for your website or business to rank on the internet.
You can make the use of SEM where you can easily place yourself in the top list of Search Engine Results if you know how to play with the money in the search engine ranking.
These 3 are the major digital marketing skill which you need to know else you won’t be able to make it in the area of digital marketing. The above mentioned skills are the skills which is required in digital marketing area, if don’t possess them you better don’t go for it. So these where the pre and post skills requirement for digital marketing.
Other basic skills required are:-
Data analysis- A digital marketer should have the knowledge to view reports in analytics and make improvements in the campaigns by analyzing analytics reports properly. Analytics show how well your ad or website is performing. From the number
of visitors to the action performed, It shows a report about everything. The main duty is to analyze all activities properly and improve it.
Google Ads and PPC- Google AdWords and PPC is required to get instant traffic and leads to your website through paid advertising. Campaigns should be both creative and relevant according to user queries. Should have knowledge about analyze campaigns results and make a report of them to present to the company, Find the ways to reduce bounce rate and increase quality score and conversion rate of ad campaigns, Analyze how a user searches for a particular service and use keywords accordingly and many more.
Creativity and analytical abilities – Digital marketing needs both creativity(content, images, and titles) and analytical ability(analytics, search console). As creativity helps to make attractive and impressive content, titles, and headlines. Whereas analytical ability is needed to analyze data and report of your campaigns and performance.
Writing and editing skills- The core of digital marketing is content. Writing and editing content is much more than it just looks. It’s not just about writing content, making landing pages but it’s about writing quality content which is relevant and useful for the user. Content should be attractive to influence the user to perform an action. Keyword optimization is important to understand and to implement that is necessary for content